Thursday, August 8, 2024

Season in Pictures


A delight to celebrate an excellent season (2023-24), with a mix of socials, reunions, and competitive chess events for members, and partners!

Socials and Reunions:

  • Chess Fest & Blitz Tournament, Trafalgar Square (July, 2024)
  • Post-Rapidplay Alumni-Society Networking Dinner, Varsity (March, 2024)
  • 2nd Warwick Alumni Vs. Society Football Match, Cryfield: 4-4 [5-3 Penalties] (March, 2024)
  • 3rd Warwick Alumni Christmas Meal, Clerkenwell (December, 2023)

Competitive Chess:

  • World Chess League: 1 team (Group E winners; qualifying for the KO Competition - July 2024)
  • Warwick Alumni vs. UK Parliament Chess (June 2024, rearranged due to the General Election.)
  • Warwick Alumni vs. Eton College Chess: 91⁄2 - 61⁄2 (April, 2024)
  • 6th Warwick University Rapidplay (March, 2024)
  • WCL Meme of the Season Award: Holden Davis, and Vincenz Bill. (Sept 2023)
  • World Chess League: 3 Alumni teams (22nd, 33rd, 48th Placed - July 2023)

Annual Report: here.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Chess Fest & Blitz Tournament 2024

A delight for the Alumni to come together for our first Blitz, followed by our annual trek to ChessFest, on Traflagar Square.

Briefly avoiding the rain, we held our own Blitz Handicap Tournament by St James' Square, followed with dinner in Chinatown - with Warwick Uni Alumni stretching a decade come together. Well done to Vincenz Bill for winning the Blitz!

Next Alumni event: Summer Party, Sat 17th October, details here.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

General Election Called - Parliament Match delayed.

Due to the calling of the General Election on the 30th May and the dissolution of Parliament, the 10th June match between Warwick Alumni against the UK Parliamentary Chess Club will be suspended until further notice.

A new date will be announced after the General Election.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Warwick Alumni vs. Eton College Chess Club 2024

On April 21st, Warwick Chess Alumni fielded a team against Eton College.

It was a thoroughly enjoyable day, with a closely fought set of matches - followed with lunch, tour of Eton, and a stroll through Windsor. Thank you to Tom Richardson for organising this expedition.

The WCAA Team: Mateusz Eggink, Arjun Pyda, Tom Richardson (Capt.), and Sid Panicker.

Well done to the players on both sides!

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Congratulations to our President, Peter Batchelor, and Emma Bewley!


Many congratulations to our Honorary President, Peter Batchelor, and Emma Bewley, two awesome people in the Alumni, for getting married on the 23rd March. All the very best for the future!

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

The 6th Warwick Rapidplay and 2nd Alumni-Society Football Match


A delight for Warwick Chess Alumni to return for the 6th Warwick Rapidplay on the 2nd March, and play in the annual Alumni-Society Football Match. Great to bring together chess players spanning 20 generations of the University, in particular the Alumni and Society Networking Dinner.

Many thanks goes to Emilija Tamosiunaite, the Society's Publicty and Marketing Officer for organising and coordinating both the Society and Alumni.

Score: 4-4, but the Alumni won on penalties!

[Last year, we lost 7-2!]