Friday, August 4, 2023

Season in a Wrap: Summary Report!

Bringing the 2022-23 Season to a close, we want to thank every member of the Alumni, and the Committee for organising so many events and trips, and to the Captains for organising the online side.

Our Summary Report for 2022-23, is now published on Issuu: here

If you are an Alumni of the University of Warwick, we would be delighted to see you at the next event. As ever, plus-ones are super welcome too!

Past issues of our quarterly newsletter, may be read online: here

Sign-up to the Newsletter, on this link:

If you would like to be added to our Messenger Group Chat, email us, or message us on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter. Links: here

Many thanks again, hope you enjoy the Summary Report, and look forward to seeing many old and many more new faces, at our future events!