Monday, December 4, 2023

3rd Alumni Christmas Meal


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Great to see everyone at the 2023 Christmas Dinner & Drinks! Taran is compiling the full report & photos for the Alumni Facebook Group, as we speak.

Thank you to our Treasurer, James Munns for organising, as ever. Welcome drinks at the Fellow (Kings Cross) was well-received, following by a brisk walk to the Union Tavern in Clarkenwell for Christmas Dinner. Afterwards, we all enjoyed some live music and great dancing from Jack and Sophie, at Piano Works.

Members present unanimously elected Jaspar Goodall (former Secretary and Operations Officer, Warwick Chess) an Honorary Vice President, in recognition to his services to the Warwick Chess and Alumni community. All existing Secretaries and Captains on the Committee, were reelected for the coming year.

Next Alumni event: 6th Warwick Rapidplay Weekend (Chess, Circle & Football).

Sat 2nd March:

  • Rapidplay: 10.30-6pm (Science Concourse)
  • Alumni-Society Networking Dinner: 6.30pm (Varsity)
  • Circle / Drinks: 8pm (Engineering)

Sun 3rd: 

  • Brunch :10.30 am (Leamington)
  • Alumni vs Society Football Match: 1pm (Cryfield)